学生 & Administrative 服务 building

Butte College 基金会


There are many ways you can support Butte College, 学生, and programs through our tax-deductible 基金会. Consider leaving a lasting legacy to Butte College in your estate planning. Your donation can make a difference in the lives of our 学生.

To discuss any of the options below or take a tour of Butte College, please 皇冠新现金网

View 给予的方式 Brochure


Butte College Promise Scholarship 

Invest In Our 学生

The Butte College Promise Scholarship Endowment needs your support to help first-time, full-time 学生 - of any age - earn a certificate, 学位, and/or transfer to a four-year university by offering scholarships for their tuition and fees for up to two years. 

目前, the Promise Scholarship is only partially funded through state funding, and a generous donation from the Grossman Family of $1 million—however, more funding is needed to sustain the program. The Butte College 基金会 is seeking to raise $2.5 million to support the Promise Scholarship Endowment and have it sustainable for our 学生 for years to come.



Pay Online, By Check, or Money Order

Your gift of cash or via credit card is tax deductible and can change lives. Your donation can be specified for a scholarship or program. Cash gifts can also be made by check or money order. A gift made by check or money order should be made payable to the Butte College 基金会 and sent to 3536 Butte Campus Drive, 奥罗维尔, CA  95965. Online donations are also accepted below.



A Gift that Keeps on Giving

With a minimum $10,000贡献, you can establish an endowment to create a scholarship in the name of a loved one, 支持一个项目, or establish a grant. Your donation is tax deductible and directly benefits 学生 for life.
皇冠新现金网 today 了解更多信息rmation.

的指导方针 协议



Consider leaving a life insurance policy that names Butte College as a beneficiary.


Gift an amount or percentage of an estate, home, or farm to Butte College. View Sample Language


Consider donating a retirement fund or IRA that names Butte College as a beneficiary.


学生 奖学金

One of our greatest needs is for student scholarships

With an active scholarship committee, we can offer scholarships to those 学生 who meet the criteria you choose. While tuition is reasonable, the combined cost of educational and living expenses means that many 学生 require financial aid.

皇冠新现金网 Reception Photo Gallery


Our student awarded a scholarship


Available to All Butte College 员工

员工 can choose to directly support student scholarships, 大学项目, and specific departments. Every dollar donated is more than a gift; it is an investment in Butte College. Your monthly donation will automatically be deducted for 10 months and is tax deductible.


List of 基金会 Accounts


Give the Gift of Education

You have the opportunity to "Give the Gift of Education." A student's average tuition & fees range from $678 for a full time student and $387 as a part time student. Please consider helping a student with your tax-deductible donation. 联络我们: (530) 895-2359 了解更多信息.




Avoid Capital Gains Taxes

Donating a residence, 假期回家, land or farm that has appreciated in value can avoid capital gains taxes and provides a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the property.


股票 & 证券

The Education Market is Up

You may opt to donate appreciated stock to the college and receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the gift. Additionally, you may avoid paying capital gains on the appreciation. View Wiring Instructions

Naming Opportunities

Naming Opportunities


Interested in naming a building at Butte College? 皇冠新现金网 today or schedule a tour of Butte College to discuss other opportunities to renovate or improve current facilities.